My Services

6 Month Package

Let’s work together! My 1:1 program is perfect for YOU! Together we will break things down with simple ways to understand and approach what you need bio-individually for better health. We will use the foundations of nutritional health, targeted supplementation and lifestlye changes to help support YOU! I will help you get the results YOU want to feel better, have more energy, sleep better, etc.

What’s included:

  • Whole Health History Intake -these are in-depth forms where we go deep to learn all about YOU-your health history, health concerns, and your goals

  • 2 HTMA Tests-(initial HTMA test and re-test after 4 months)-what is HTMA? Hair, tissue, mineral analysis is a safe and non-invasive screening test that provides a reading of nutrient and mineral balances in your body from a sample of your hair. Did you know that mineral levels in the hair are 10 times more than in your blood?! HTMA can show how the body’s systems are off and how to correct it with nutrition and diet. This is a cost effective, accurate and reliable way to test.

  • 5 day Food & Mood Journal Analysis-we will take a look at what you’re eating and how it’s making you feel and assess.

  • 90 minute Initial Interview-virtual call for our first session. This is where we will dive into your health history using a bio-individualized method

  • Bi-weekly Virtual Follow Up Visits-45 min virtual call sessions to connect with each other and check your progress. This is a great accountability tool! Bring it all to the call!

  • 1 Virtual /or In-Person Grocery Store Visit (1 hour)-it can be overwhelming with the choices you find at the grocery store, I help walk you through each aisle and educate you on how to make health conscious nutrition choices that fit into your lifestyle. *if you are local to me, the in-person visit is recommended*

  • Lifestyle, Movement and Sleep Support-tools to understand how you’re handing stress, sleep and exercise for optimal health

  • Re-assesment of the Food & Mood Journal -a check-in along the way to evaluate your progress and see how your eating habits have changed from the first journal

  • Unlimited Resources for Additional Support-guides, handouts, recipes, etc

  • Unlimited Instant Messaging -through my HIPAA compliant secure portal chat feature

  • Professional Grade Supplements-purchased at a discount

Total cost of 6 month package: $2250